BLESSING CARDSare a dynamic tool for self-development, transformation and opening to the power of the universe. There are 210 unique affirmations contained in this card deck. Each one expresses an energy, an attitude, an aspiration or a power of life. By drawing the card and allowing your energy to attune itself to the power expressed by that card, you align yourself with the forces of growth and progress that can help to transform your life, your family and your world. Change starts with oneself. BLESSING CARDS are a tool help you take charge of the change process within yourself and tap into the powers of consciousness and the forces of attraction that are at work subconsciously in most of us. Research by Masuru Emoto (scientific researcher and author of "Messages from Water") showed that focusing on a word, thought or feeling can change the molecular pattern and structure of water. This showed that thoughts and feelings have power, even to the extent of changing material substance. This power can be unlocked by the simple device of paying attention to a word or thought or feeling. In the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" this concept was developed and supported by a range of scientists, researchers and spiritual aspirants from a number of different belief systems and disciplines. You become what you think and feeI. BLESSING CARDS help us to focus and remember and, thereby, help us to become what we aspire to be. Through the power of synchronicity, you can randomly draw any of the 210 cards to help you guide your life forward today. BLESSING CARDS were created by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake of InnerLinks. They are the creators of the Original Angel Cards which have touched the lives of millions of people since they were first introduced. BLESSING CARDS were developed to provide an enhanced force of spiritual action in coordination with the basic laws of universal energy. Kathy and Joy have dedicated their lives to creating tools for people to gain deeper insight, be more creative, resolve inner (and outer) conflicts and effectuate deep transformations of a positive nature in oneself and in the world around us. 210 full col cards
ArbetstitelBlessing Cards: Communicate Your Love, Gratitude And Caring (210 Cards; Comes With Organdy Drawstrin
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Publiceringsdatum2010-06-01 00:00:00
Kort BeskrivningBlessing Cards are a dynamic tool for self-development, transformation and opening to the power of the universe. There are 210 unique affirmations contained in this card deck.